Kloon! is a game that challenges players to have as many animals as they can left on the board at the end of the game to win. Each player chooses an animal, and in his/her turn, the player should move the animal across the cells of the board, or just click any empty cell adjacent to the animal to create its clone and increase the number of animals. If someone else's animals are adjacent to the empty cell a player wishes to use to create a clone in, the other player's animals will change into the animal the current player is cloning. For example, my chosen animal was a frog, and when I moved it into a cell adjacent to two apes, both of them changed into frogs, gaining me two more animals. When the field is full, the player with more animals wins the game. A good brain exercising challenge, Kloon! will soon have you thinking logically.
Kloon! has a bright, easy-to-use interface, and it is easy to set up the rules to suit the type of game you would like to play. At the opening of any new board game, there is usually one animal placed at each corner of the board if there are four players, but you can change the settings so that animals can be placed randomly on the board at the beginning of the game. The board cells can also be changed from square to hexagonal, if you prefer. Additionally, you can make the game more difficult by playing in darkness. Good for memory training. Also, you can add obstacles to your game to increase the level of difficulty.